Axiom Cattle Health Scheme Application For Membership
Herd Identification
Fields marked * are required for submission
Herd Owner / Manager Details
Farm Name*
Farm Address*
Farm Details
Practice Name*
Practice Address
Vet Details
Herd Details
Herd Type*
UK Herd Number
Main Breeds
Annual Testing Required
Declaration & Authorisation
Previous Scheme
BCMS Username
BCMS Password
Testing Start Month (if known)
We need to access your herd records in BCMS/CTS in order to produce barcoded tube labels with the animal’s UK ear number on them. This saves having to manually record ear numbers, which avoids transcription errors and also makes sample handling within the lab more efficient. We can do this through our software which links to the CTS Webservice. Please provide your CTS Webservice username and password:
Please tick here to confirm that all the information collected is correct and you have understood all the information stated:
If you are a current member of another cattle health scheme please indicate the provider of the scheme so that we can obtain your herd records
If you are unable to follow the CHeCS rules and wish to join the cattle health scheme for herd monitoring and not accreditation purposes please tick here
For the purposes of this Scheme, I give permission for APHA to supply Axiom Cattle Health Scheme with all relevant information concerning the bTB testing of my herd for the past 10 years and in the future
I agree to adhere to all CHeCS rules for bovine tuberculosis (bTB)
A health plan is in place that includes the biosecurity aspects of the CHeCS bTB program. An annual review of the health plan must be undertaken. A declaration, signed by yourself and your vet, is required as confirmation that this has occurred.
If you wish to have your contact details and herd’s TB status shown on the on-line, publicly available, Axiom Cattle Health Scheme membership database please tick this box
For Johne’s, Neospora and bTB only:
A health plan covering control of Johne’s disease/Neospora/TB, which has been agreed by the herd’s veterinary surgeon, is a requirement of these programmes
Additional declarations for membership of the Bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) Scheme:
If you wish to apply for membership of the Bovine Tuberculosis Scheme (bTB) programme please tick here:
All herds should have been issued with these so if you do not know them please call BCMS on 0345 050 1234 to request them.
If you are unwilling to provide access to your BCMS/CTS herd records an additional admin fee for herd tests (of over 20 animals) is likely to be applied to cover the staff time taken to process non-barcode labelled samples at the lab.
If yes, please provide us with further information if positive results were obtained.
Do you vaccinate against any of the following?
Have you submitted any samples to a laboratory in the past year for testing of any of the diseases in the programmes that you wish to participate?
Is there at least a three metre boundary between your cattle and any neighbouring cattle? This is essential for the BVD & IBR accredited free programmes but is not required for Johne’s disease, Leptospirosis, Neosporosis or the BVD & IBR vaccinated monitored free programmes
If yes, please provide details as to how this will be managed:
Are you planning to have separate accredited and non-accredited herds on the same holding?
I wish to apply for membership of the Axiom Cattle Health Scheme
I confirm that the details given on this form are, to the best of my knowledge, correct
I agree to information regarding my herd that is relevant to the disease programmes that it will be participating in, being disclosed by my veterinary surgeon to Axiom Cattle Health Scheme. This information will be treated as confidential
I have read and agree to adhere to the scheme rules in the CHeCS Technical Document
I understand that agents of CHeCS may inspect my herd, premises and herd records to ensure compliance with the scheme and that a breach of the scheme rules may result in loss of my herd’s status and/or suspension of my membership
I understand that the rules of the scheme are subject to change by CHeCS
Axiom Cattle Health Scheme may change their level of charging and have the right to terminate their scheme
I may withdraw from the scheme at any time, with resultant loss of my herd’s status, and there will be no refund of my membership fee
Axiom Cattle Health Scheme uses BCMS data to produce barcoded labels, showing the animal’s ear number, in order to avoid transcription errors and to facilitate sample handling and testing. If you do not wish us to access your BCMS records there may be an additional charge for herd screens where barcode labels have not been used
I agree to copies of my herd’s results being sent to my veterinary surgeon
To facilitate livestock trade, Axiom Cattle Health Scheme will maintain a publicly available, on-line register of herds showing the herd owner’s contact details and main breeds along with their herd’s status. If you wish your herd to be shown on this list please tick this box :
IBR Marker AB
NOTE: You will only need to select IBR or IBR Marker AB, it is not necessary to select both types of testing.
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